Epilepsy Quesnel

Community Services & Organizations-Health & Wellness-Non-Profit Organizations & Charities

eQ is committed to raising local awareness of epilepsy, a neurological disease that affects 70 million people worldwide and 1 in 100 Canadians, more than multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy and Parkinson’s disease combined. Although it is a fairly common disease, only a very small portion of government funding is dedicated to diagnosing and treating epilepsy. Northern BC has no epileptologists (doctors who specialize in epilepsy treatment) and few neurologists. At present, most northerners must travel long distances to places like Vancouver in order to receive epilepsy treatment, and wait lists for care and surgery are long. eQ seeks to change this by helping to raise funds for two more SIU rooms and facilitate faster, better treatment for epilepsy patients throughout the province.

Photos by Annie Gallant/Quesnel Observer

Meet Natasha Wasmuth

Meet Natasha Wasmuth

712 Best Rd
Quesnel, BC V2J 6X2


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